
We are happy you are visiting our website and hope we will have the answers to some of your questions. If you still need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our on site property manager.

There is no application required for purchasing a home in Grand Palm. The only application required is when leasing a property.

For Sale signs must be the Association approved signs only, no larger than 24"x18", white background with the Grand Palm logo and are to be displayed in the flower bed. Please contact Management for ordering information.

Realtors may hold Open Houses and put up temporary signage that meets the Association requirements of no larger than 24"x18". The homeowner will need to contact Envera and give them the date and times of the Open House and authorize them to allow visitors in who state they are attending the Open House.

As you know Grand Palm is a special community with many beautiful preserve areas and ponds. With that come some regulations from Sarasota County. These areas are monitored and a report filed with the county monthly. If violations have been noted the HOA will be directed to restore an area or be fined. 

 1. We are not allowed to clear, clean, trim or remove any plant material from within a preserve/conservation area. That includes dead palm fronds or invasive plants which have been treated. 

 2. Pond health is monitored monthly, invasive water plants are controlled, erosion is monitored and mowing is performed to leave a recommended buffer. No homeowners lot runs to any pond edge, the HOA maintains a 5' easement around all ponds. There are designated areas on a few ponds which allow fishing, none of these areas are directly behind any lot owners property.

Frequently asked about Rules and regulations: 
(from official Rules & Regulations for Grand Palm 2019)

 8. Animals & Pets: Only common, domesticated household pets may be kept on any lot and in no such events may pets be kept for breeding or nay commercial purposes. No other animals, livestock, reptiles or poultry of any kind shall be kept, raised, bred, or maintained on any portion of the Subdivision. Approved household pets may not be kept in unreasonable numbers. Permitted pets shall be kept only subject to and in accordance with rules and regulations by the Neighborhood Board. Pets must be kept on a leash and accompanied by its owner except when within a fenced or other enclosed area. While outside, such dogs and permitted pets must not bark an reasonable amount as to disturb or annoy a neighbor. Any pets that create or contribute to a nuisance may be required to be permanently removed within ten (10) days of receipt of written notification from the Neighborhood Board to the Owner. Pet owners are responsible for cleaning up any mess created by their pets within the Subdivision. Excrement which is not picked up shall be deemed a nuisance. All pet owners are responsible for the actions of their pets.

 18. Lease/Rentals: No portion of a Lot or Unit (other than the entire Lot or Unit) may be rented. All leases must be in writing and be submitted to the Association for approval. No Lot or Unit may be rented for less than six (6) months, nor more than twice a year. (From Master Declarations 2012).

10.11. Fences. No fence of any kind (vertical or underground electric) shall be erected or maintained upon any Lot until the plans and specifications therefor have been approved in writing by the Master ARC. Underground electric fences will not be permitted in the front yard of any Lot. It shall be a condition of approval of any fence that the bottom of all fences along or within any drainage easements shall be elevated above ground to allow for the free flow of drainage. (More information can be found in the Design Criteria Manual, starting on page 91).